
Holistic Medicine Clinic, for Your Wholesome Health Find a solution to your health issues:
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Villa Medica

As a center of holistic medicine, we offer a great variety of services of holistic functional medicine, starting from therapies for mental problems such as anxiety to joint problems. We also offer plastic, orthopedic and general surgery. We are close to you kudos to telemedicine, many problems can be helped without a need for you to come to our office. Book a videoconsultation with a suitable specialist and we will help you to find the best possible solution.

Orthopedic surgery, traumas
Andres Lindmae

My core competencies are orthopedic problems - muscle and joint pain. I worked as an operating traumatologist and as a USA consultant orthopedist and rehab physician and as a specialist at Villa Medica Private Clinic. I have a good understanding of how to find integrated, holistic (integrated) medical solutions, and I am well suited to helping you find the best solution for problems with support mobility. In most cases, there is no need for chemical pills, hormone injections and surgery, and the worn joint can be healed without a prosthesis. Surprisingly many can be done using a video image, in many cases, you do not have to directly touch a person to diagnose. I diagnosed my son's complex wrists in Brazil using video chat. Book a video consultation and get a quick and competent help. Read more...

Ärevus, Stress, Depression, Krooniline Väsimus, Fibromüalgia, Astma
Aili Lindmäe

Enamus terviseprobleeme, eriti hingeprobleemid nagu ärevus ja depression, on tihedalt seotud alateadvusse surutud kunagiste psühholoogiliste traumadega. Kuni neid nähtavale ei tooda ja ei tervendata, et saa probleemi ka lahendada. Maailma ühe tuntuima hingamisterapeudi (Binnie A. Dansby) õpetus (Algallikka Protsess ja Hingamistöö) töötab mõtte ja hingamisega. Selle alusel ja muid teraapiaid kombineerides loodud TERVENDAVA HINGAMISE programm võimaldab meil aidata Sul tervendada oma alateadvust ja edaspidi ise oma elu ise luua. Kasutan hingamisterapeudina Tervendavat Hingamist, et lisaks reiki, liblikmassaazi ja paljude muude teraapiate võtteid, et aidata Teid teie probleemile lahendust saada. See on medikamentidevaba ja väga tõhus. Meie programm sisaldab ka õige toitumise ja õige liikumise alused ning annab teile suurepärase aluspõhja ehk vundamendi ise oma elu loomiseks. Read more...

Dr. Georgijs Kociasvili

Breast corrective operations:
breast enlargement and reduction,
breast augmentation, breast implants,
breast restauration after amputatsioon,
liposuction, lipofilling, body contouring,

Healing Nutrition and Rejuvenation
Dr Isabela David

The main focus of my work is to detain, slow down or even reverse the process of disease and the process of ageing. Before our first meeting, you will be sent a questionnaire so that you can make clear your state of well-being and lifestyle, including eating habits, exercises, sleep, breathing patterns, meditation and spiritual practices. Next we will instruct you to go through a necessary check-ups of your nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status. Then, we will give you a series of health tips and recommendations, including food and dietary supplements, for your well being and rejuvenation. We have experience which shows that personally tailored optimal nutrition and lifestyle changes can work wonders for your health. Read more...

Katri Ristal

Individual meeting is often the most effective way to find solutions for your problems. Before the meeting, I will forward a form to describe your current problems and lifestyle. Also please fill in a questionnaire which will help me to find the necessary recommendations for you at this moment. At the meeting, we are dealing with topics of concern to you and will find suitable solutions for their mitigation, including breathing techniques, exercises, nutritional recommendations and lifestyle changes. There are many gynecological problems that I can help to find relief and solutions to (including menstrual cycle disturbances, PMS, Premature menopause and menopause problems, fertility problems). Read more...

Years of Experience

Villa Medica

Elite private clinic in Estonia